Hello Beautiful People! How have you all been?
With the confinement over, here in Mauritius, I found myself caught up with so much work that the month of June meant no blogging. But as July arrives and we all settle into the new “normal” way of life, I had to get back to introspecting and sharing my life’s wisdom (LOL).
Flashback to a few days before New Year’s Eve of last year… as I was scrolling through my Insta feed, one of my favourite influencer Masoom Minawala shared on her Insta, a routine she did before the start of the new year, which I thought was pretty interesting and so I decided to do the same.
On New Year’s Eve, a few hours before the clock strikes twelve, I took a few chits of paper and an empty jar and sat down to pen down my wishes for the year 2020. With each wish, I poured out my heart’s desires and the goals I wanted to achieve. I focused on each aspect of my life, be it personal or professional and what I wanted to change or simply improve.
With each sentence starting with I wish… I allowed those thoughts to be sent to the Universe. When I was done, I put all the wishes into the jar, kept it aside and went on with my night…
Fast forward to today as I share with you this little routine, I find myself looking forward to opening that jar at the end of this year to see how many things, or should I say wishes came true (Stay tune for that post!).

Though I don’t remember exactly what I wrote, I know that throughout this year, there has been some guiding force, which has been presence in my life, helping me to make those wishes come true. So I guess what I want to say is work hard and send those good intentions to the Universe, because whether you believe it or not, the UNIVERSE ALWAYS HAS YOUR BACK.
Love Always,
